Display Dreams is a mobile phone repair service with several partners shops based in Berlin. The system is easy: If your phone is broken, they will find the best price and a partner shop close to you and let it be repaired. After that you will send ich back to you.

Display Dreams
Aroser Allee 18313407 Berlin
Umsatzsteuergesetz: 17/213/00160
Kontakt: Büro: 030 2790 88 26Fax: 030 / 280 43 900
Web: www.display-dreams.de
Mail: info@display-dreams.de
Alparslan C. Aykol(Geschäftsführung)Mobil: 0172 / 577 82 01
Dogan Atalay(Founder & Head of Marketing)Mobil: 0163 / 3300 897
Jahja Zaher (Founder & Operativ Management)Mobil: 0152 / 2912 74 65
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