World Champions, aborigines and mud
World Cup Champions
This report is about our way from Cow Bay to Cooktown. We reached Cow Bay late the evening from Port Douglas. In Cow Bay we stayed at a tiny guest house that was run by an Aussi and a woman from Dortmund, Germany. This was quite an coincidence as we needed to get up early next morning, as there was the World Cup Final 2014 in Brasil going on – Germany vs Argentina. Germany won that World Cup, so there was a reason to drink at 6 in the morning before leaving to Cooktown.

Djungle Trail, aborigine village and mangrove forest
On the way we stopped at several places such as a djungle trail along the river, an aborigines village and a mangrove forest.

Mud road from Cow Bay to Cooktown
After that the complicated part started. For those who try to take the same way: Make sure to have 4×4 car or a motocross bike. Even with this the road was more than challenging and we found several people with 2 wheel drive stuck on the way in deep mud or waterholes. The government is trying to build a proper concrete road since years bud is failing constantly due to bad weather conditions. Maybe at one point this will be a seal road. Sure there is a longer proper highway to Cooktown you can take instead what is quite a detour.

After hours in the mud we finally reached first civilisation again: The unique Lions Den Hotel where we could refuel us and the car again. From here it was just a small way left to Cooktown.

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