Europe, German, Interviews

Fabian Klotz

1. Where are you from (country and city)?

Germany, close to Freiburg

2.  Have you been born in the place you live?

Yeah, I was born near Freiburg in a small town.

3. What are you doing for living?

I study medical engineering in Offenburg.

4. What kind of traveler do you think you are?

On my journeys, I would like to see a lot, but also relax a bit. I like to travel like the locals and try to immerse in the respective culture as authentically as possible.

5. What is important for you while traveling and why are you traveling?

I want to see as much as possible of this wonderful planet in my life.

6. What kind of travel advice would you give others?

Take the plunge, you will not regret it and benefit from this time in many situations.

7. What is your next mission/trip?

Indonesia in August and September this year

8. What is the best place you visited so far?

I can’t answer that with one single place, however in Laos live such lovely people and I really liked the beaches and landscape in Thailand.

9. What is the place you want to visit in the future?

Latin America and some parts of Africa.

10. What is your favorite place in your home country that you would recommend to others?

Not quite my homeland, but I love Central Switzerland and the Alps. In Germany I like the Black Forest and the Moselle Valley very much. Freiburg is also a very nice city resp. area.

11. Do you have any other tips or tricks based on your experience that you wish to share?

Enjoy your journeys and don’t let the grass grow under your feet.


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