1. Where are you originally from (country and city)?
Portugal, Lisbon
2. Do you currently live in the same place where you were born?
No, I was born in Lisbon but live in Berlin
3. What do you do for living?
Working as an architect
4. What kind of traveler do you think you are?
Spontaneous, flexible, friendly and kind
5. What is important for you while traveling and why are you traveling?
To see the places that I oft read about or imagine, and meet the people that make those places real and culturally rich
6. What kind of travel advice would you give others?
Do more and think less about it
7. What is your next mission/trip?
A world trip of 14 months
8. What is the best place you visited so far?
Nara, Japan
9. What is a place you want to visit in the future?
Chefchaouen, Morocco
10. What is your favorite place in your home country that you would recommend to others?
A small island called Berlengas, around Peniche
11. (If answer to Q2 is “No”) What is your favorite place in your current country that you would recommend to others?
The Köpenick area
12. Do you have any other tips or tricks based on your experience that you wish to share?
Keep a diary of all the things (photos, tickets, maps) you liked during your time away
E-Mail: smgrbrito@gmail.com
Facebook: Sara Marina Brito
Instagram: @sarabritopics
Website: https://wanderwithoutcompass.blogspot.de/?m=1
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