Riding the most beautiful tram line in Germany
From “Schlossplatz Köpenick” Tram station we took the Tram 68 to Alt-Schmöckwitz – it’s the end station. Tram 68 was rated as the most beautiful tram line in Germany and to one of the 10 most beautiful ones on the planet. The track is running along the wide “Dahme” river, through the forest and little villages. As in most parts of Köpenick it his hard to imagine that you are still in Berlin. On the way is also the beach bath Grünau (Strandbad Grünau) and the “Reggattastrecke Grünau” (Regatta stretch), which was part of the Olympic Games in 1934.
Once arrived in Alt-Schmöckwitz, we walked towards the Restaurant “Strandlust”, a floating terrace restaurant at the “Seddinsee”, about 10 minutes’ walk from the Tram stop. On the way we crossed the “Dahme” river.

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